Creating a maintenance plan for your commercial roof helps you stay ahead of expected challenges and catch problems before they become costly. As one of Denver’s top choices for commercial roof maintenance, educating our customers is among our priorities. The proper maintenance plan helps you get the longest life out of your roof.
Here are five maintenance tips. Big Creek Roofing is here to help.
- Don’t skip inspections
Whether your roof is new or 15 years old, schedule a yearly inspection with a trusted roofing company. This up-close look allows you to have the best information on the health of your roof. Take notes on concerns and additional maintenance recommendations. - Don’t ignore the snow
The snow is beautiful in Denver, but it can accumulate quickly and place additional weight on your roof. Create a snow removal plan to give your roof the best support. - Don’t delay taking action
If you notice a leak, act fast. Water can damage your equipment, products, and other valuable items in the building. Water damage can also lead to a roof collapse. - Don’t pick uncertified roofing companies
A high-quality company will assess your roof, provide cost estimates, and also recommend solutions. To get the job right the first time, research companies before you reach out for service. - Don’t forget to plan for the future
Think about how your roof will be a decade from now. Talk with your roofing company to create a customized maintenance plan. Schedule regular visits and do your part to maintain your roof between appointments.
If you still have questions about how to care for commercial roofing, give us a call at (720) 309-9722. The Denver roofers at Big Creek have more than 20 years of experience. Contact Big Creek Roofing for a free quote.